I wrote this letter so that people who missed the rally, or friends and family could send a letter to their representatives so that we could keep up the pressure!
Dear Senator/Rep. ___________,
My name is _______________ and I’m a constituent of yours who lives in __________. I am writing to you today because of concerns I have regarding Autism. My ______(insert relationship here e.g. – neighbor’s daughter, cousin, grandson, etc.) has been diagnosed with autism. This has been an incredible challenge for this lovely family and the hardship they have endured while trying to access appropriate treatment for their child is something that no one should have to go through.
This year, the rate of children diagnosed with autism has increased 172%, and now impacts approximately 1 out of 150 children, making it the fasting growing disorder in the United States. Without intervention, according to a recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health, individuals with autism will cost the state $3.2 million dollars over their lifetime, and families face of unbelievable loss. Fortunately there is treatment available that has empirical evidence of being successful. Many of the children who receive the treatment can go on to lead normal lives.
Currently, the state of Wisconsin is picking up the entire tab for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Even residents who have private insurance face a situation where the insurers simply refuse to pay for treatment, even though we know Autism is a physical, neurologically based condition, not a mental health disorder.
Every year hundreds of children in Wisconsin must wait for only 250 treatment slots available, forcing families to postpone treatment, and making them face an agonizing wait for their “turn.” But waiting for Autism treatment is not a game that families should have to “play.” Studies have proven that the quicker a child can receive treatment, the more efficacious the results.
During this budget cycle, Governor Doyle has added a proposition that would require that insurance companies pay for autism treatments for their enrollees who qualify. Unfortunately, the Joint Finance Committee removed it. I am asking that you compel its return to the budget, or if that does not occur, that you support the separate piece of legislation that would mandate this coverage.
Families that pay their premiums ought to be able to access benefits that will allow them to care for their children with this serious disorder. Many insurance companies argue that they will be forced to raise rates, but without treatment, the state will have to bear a much greater burden of caring for the tremendous number of children with autism. This will impose a huge tax liability on the population of Wisconsin.
When this is coupled with the tremendous sadness that families of untreated children with autism must endure as they face kids who can not communicate even the simplest of needs, one realizes that not only is this the smart thing to do, it is the compassionate and humane thing to do as well.
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