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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Texas Legislators Hold Up Vote on Insurance Coverage for Autism Bill

NEWS RELEASE Media Inquiries:

Texas Autism Advocacy, Senator Eddie Lucio, and
Representative John Davis Call on Legislators to Allow
Floor Vote on SB 419

Bill would allow insurance coverage of treatments
for children with autism

Houston – May 21, 2007 – The members of Texas Autism Advocacy call upon
the Texas House of Representatives to send schedule Senate Bill 419 for
immediate debate so that is can be heard and voted on in by the full House. SB
419 would allow insurance coverage of treatments for children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder.

In April, SB 419 unanimously passed the Texas Senate. The House Insurance
Committee also unanimously voted for the legislation. The bill awaits
consideration before the House General State Calendar.

“Texas Autism Advocacy would like to compliment Senator Eddie Lucio for his
leadership in improving insurance coverage of treatments for children with autism
by authoring Senate Bill 419,” said Michelle Guppy, founder of Texas Autism
Advocacy. “On behalf of the 4,000+ members and supporters, we congratulate
him for his outstanding leadership in shepherding SB 419 through the Senate,
where was passed out of the Health and Human Services committee
unanimously and passed on the Senate floor unanimously.”

Ms. Guppy continued, “We recognize Senator as a true leader who puts shortterm
political interests aside in favor of long term best fiscal interests of the
taxpayers of the State of Texas. We also recognize the leadership and support of
Representative John Davis, sponsor of the House companion bill HB 1224.”
Representative Davis stated "I want to thank Senator Lucio for asking me to be
the House sponsor of Senate Bill 419 and also would like to thank
Representative Juan Garcia, my joint author, for his steadfast support. Children
with autism spectrum disorder are very, very special. They and their parents
need and deserve our attention and support to live life to its fullest."
Sen. Lucio stated, "I respectfully call on House Calendars Committee
Chairwoman Beverly Woolley to please consider the suffering of the families of
children afflicted with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and schedule Senate
Bill 419 for consideration on the House floor.
“I feel confident that my colleagues in the House will want to give young children
an opportunity to lead normal lives through my bill that requires insurers to cover
early intervention for autistic children ages three to five. Proper therapy and
treatment at this early age will reduce the need for services in school and
throughout the person’s lifetime. SB 419 offers Texas children with ASD hope
that they can lead normal lives.

“I am asking for Rep. Woolley to please let this bill come before the House as
soon as possible, since the end of the 80th Legislative Session is just days

About Texas Autism Advocacy
Texas Autism Advocacy is an on-line information & resource center for persons
on Autism Spectrum Disorders. It has the mission to provide networking and
support for individuals, families, and professionals. It is through networking that
like-minded people can unite to advocate policy changes that families of children
with autism in Texas so desperately need.

Michelle M. Guppy
Don't tell God how big your storm is - tell the storm how big your God is! Texas Autism Advocacy:

"There are some aspects of a person's life that we have no right to compromise. We cannot negotiate the size of an institution. No one should live in one. We cannot debate who should get an inclusive education. Everyone should. We cannot determine who does and who does not get the right to make their own choices and forge their own futures. All must."

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